Knowledge and Spiritual Life

We’ll continue tonight to look at how a Christian is able to claim to know things. In the meantime, here’s C.H. Mackintosh with some essential thoughts on what it means to know things about God, and how that should impact our relationship to Him: The...

Is Faith the Opposite of Knowledge?

When we speak about knowing things as Christians, one thing to remember is that the way we use the word faith is very different than the way our culture typically uses the word. Most people use the word to describe something other than knowledge. If you have faith, it...

Let’s Pray for Each Other. Like This.

One of the things that struck me in our recent study of Ephesians 6 was a particular thing Paul said about prayer in 6:18. Part of our armor, he says, is to be constantly praying for each other–“for all the saints.” With that in mind, in a recent...