It had to be carried before it could be preached.

“The cross had to be carried and endured before it could be preached. Jesus came to be the sacrifice, not to clarify the concept of sacrifice. He did not come to teach about the cross, but to be nailed to it. He came that there might be a gospel to preach…...

The long road down to Good Friday

How does scripture describe what it meant for Jesus to come from glory and travel all the way to what we call “Good Friday,” the day when he was crucified? Here’s a very thoughtful and sobering look at the journey he took to retrieve us from the far...

China: “Christianity’s growth is excessive.”

Here’s an interesting article about how the Chinese government seems to be conducting a coordinated plan to demolish protestant churches, although they are officially denying it. “Communist officials in China have denied waging a “demolition campaign”...

What’s it like to be a Christian?

The other day, in a conversation with a Muslim friend, a question popped into my head and I asked him–“What’s it like for you to be a Muslim?” It struck me, at the moment, as kind of odd, in that I don’t think I’d ever thought to...

Jesus reveals what it means to be human.

Great night last night with the Calvary Chapel Bible College Chapel Band. We also continued  our study of why Jesus matters, and what he shows us about God, humanity and life–this time by looking specifically at what he shows us about humanity. Here are the...