Ghosts over Christ: The choice of our generation.

During my drive time, I occasionally listen to a podcast called Radio Lab. It’s an excellently produced piece of story-telling/investigative radio done for NPR by some really talented people. For me, it’s a great window into current modes of thought (and I...

On getting robbed, and not even knowing it.

My friends, today I want to share something that hit me very hard when I read it–the sort of thing we should all stop and consider for a few minutes before rushing on to the rest of our life. It concerns the level and flavor of sin permeating our culture, and...

The Millennium (Notes From Last Night)

Last night we continued our study of what the Bible says about the end times by looking at what the Bible says about the kingdom Christ will establish after he returns. If you’d like further details about this time period, see this post. Here are the notes:...

Nine reasons we won’t be raptured? (Part 2)

This is part 2 of a multi-part series of posts responding to Justin Taylor & John Piper’s article “9 Reasons We Can Be Confident Christians Won’t Be Raptured Before the Tribulation.” You can read the introduction to the series and read all nine...