Art, Beauty, and Holiness

by | Jul 25, 2014 | Art | 0 comments

“Nothing we can do in life is outside the reach of God’s sovereign hand, even in the often secularized realm of art. In life, we can choose either to serve order or disorder, God or the Adversary. Who will you serve with your creativity?” So writes Dave Marcucci, who’s part of our Arts Fellowship community group. A few weeks ago Dave gave me a written meditation on the nature of beauty and art from a biblical perspective called “Art, Beauty, and Holiness.” I thought it was a great thing to share here. It includes this look at every day beauty:

There are many examples of beauty foreordained by God in his sovereignty.

The following works of art are faithful to God’s design for them: recently published a video introducing a formula for intelligence. One simple formula can make a computer identify a task and purpose on its own and then go about satisfying it. That’s beauty.

In heredity, many traits can be passed on to offspring, but all of them are translated through strands of DNA that are made up of combinations of only four different bases. That’s beauty.

Millions of songs have been made throughout history, but only eight notes are in a scale. That’s beauty.

Many colors exist of many shades and hues, but all of them stem from just three base colors: red, blue, and yellow. That’s beauty.

All of us are sinners, but God loved us anyway and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins on the cross. One day all whom the LORD has saved will stand before him and worship him face to face, of their own will, in full appreciation of the things he has done for them. That’s our ultimate purpose, and it was God’s objective from the beginning.

That’s beauty.

You can read the whole thing here.