True Wisdom v. False Wisdom

by | Nov 3, 2015 | Monday Study Notes | 0 comments

Last night we continued our study through the letter of James. Here are the notes:

First, we’ve already seen one of James’ major concern’s: authentic Christianity. Authentic faith (ch. 2) and here, authentic wisdom.

3:13  Who really is wise? Who should be listened to?

James has already told us two things:

  1. True wisdom comes from God
  2. True wisdom is given to those who ask (1:5)
  3. In fact, all good gifts come down from above (1:17)

True Faith = show it (2:18)
True Wisdom = show it. (3:13)

False Wisdom:
Here he implies: There’s a false wisdom that masquerades as true wisdom:

What could this be? Any kind of thinking that gains a following—Successful, charismatic, knowledgeable These things seem like wisdom, but you have to check…

3:14   False Wisdom’s inner traits:

  1. Bitter envy
  2. Self-seeking (selfish ambition)

3:15   False wisdom’s origins –

  • Earthly (not from above—i.e. not from God)
  • Sensual (from the human soul, not from the Spirit)
  • Demonic (from Demons (?), or, the same kind of wisdom Demons have (see 2:19)

3:16    False Wisdom’s evidences:

  1. Confusion
  2. Every Evil Thing (3:16)
  3. Fighting (4:1)
  4. Speaking evil about each other (4:11)

3:17   True Wisdom’s Evidences:

  1. Eight things (v.17)
  2. Makes peace (v.18) – thereby sowing peace and reaping righteousness (opp. “evil things” (v.16))

4:1-3    Third Evidence of False Wisdom: Fighting
All based on inner desires (3:14) being put above other people (know the danger of our desires)
Also: Lack of Real prayer (4:2-3), desiring things just to satisfy your desires

4:11-12 Fourth Evidence of False Wisdom: Speaking evil of each other (Christians)
Indicates a pride which puts yourself in the place of God.

A Coherent picture: False Wisdom shows itself in someone who fights to get their own way, speaking evil of other people. They are driven by their own inner desires, which they want to fulfill at the expense of other people, and wherever they go they breed confusion, drama, and sin. People are driven further from God, not brought closer to him. But, they get away with it because they impress others with knowledge, or charisma, or success. We may be tempted to think that is the way to be, but James says nothis wisdom is not from above (from God) but is earthly, sensual, and demonic. Don’t be fooled by it. Judge it by its fruits.

Now, James is writing to Christians, so what if I read his letter and realize that I am this way, even if it’s just in some areas of my life?

4:4-10  Gives me instructions as to what to do to go from the false wisdom to the true.

  1. Recognize that I am in spiritual adultery. (4:4)
    I love my “pleasures” (4:3) more than God.
    I love the world that rejects God more than God, and since that world is God’s enemy, I participate in hostility towards God. (4:4)
  1. Understand that God wants to give me grace (4:6)
  2. Humble Yourselves before God, or Draw Near to God
    What does this mean?
    Submit to God
    Resist the Devil (4:7)
    Get sin out of your life (4:8)
    Take this seriously (4:9) (a picture of repentance)

…And he’ll draw near to you, and He’ll lift you up.

Summing up: True Wisdom is relational. It’s not informational, or pragmatic. True wisdom found in a right relationship to God, and its fruit is healthy relationships with other humans. It starts with humility before God which shows itself in submission to his authority and experiences closeness with him. It ends up showing those same characteristics to the world of people all around it—humility, meekness, and a willingness to not get its own way for the sake of keeping peace. When someone with true wisdom enters a situation and stays there, they consistently make peace for the sake of what is most important, and righteousness grows all around like fruit in an orchard. Who is truly wise? Show it by doing works of this kind of meek wisdom.