How can you get to know God?

by | Jan 20, 2020 | Practical Spirituality | 0 comments

Here is a great meditation from Harold Senkbeil on how a person really gets to know God. Enjoy:

In our digital age, we’re swimming in gigabytes of data, but thirsting for reality.  We’re drowning in information, but starved for genuine community.  Technology links us instantaneously with people all around the globe, yet paradoxically the more information we get and the more virtual connections we acquire, the more isolated and lonely we become.  I enjoy all the technology of social media as much as anyone else, yet these virtual communities are poor substitutes for the kind of exchange that happens when I put my arms around my wife, hold my grandchildren on my lap, or sit face to face with a friend for mutual conversation and consoling flesh and blood interchange of what lies on our hearts.

If that’s true in terms of relationships between humans, how much more essential is it when it comes to our relationship with the Lord God, who made heaven and earth?  Though we infer something about God by looking at the world he has made (his power and majesty, for instance) we would know nothing about his true nature if he hadn’t revealed himself to us…

If you want to know something about God, you’ll need to get to know him by his word; that’s the long and the short of it. 

There is simply no reliable knowledge of God apart from his word.

…Yet that word is not the kind of information dump we’ve come to associate with most ordinary human communication–a kind of data transfer.  Rather, God’s word is the means by which he discloses himself and opens up his heart to us so we can see what kind of God we have, how he may be addressed and accessed here in this world, and how we can receive his gifts for our forgiveness, life, and salvation.

–Harold Senkbeil, The Care of Souls, p.36-37