When God tells you not to be afraid

by | Nov 30, 2018 | Spiritual Life | 0 comments

You know that moment in Exodus 14 where Israel got to the edge of the Red Sea, only to realize that Pharaoh had showed up with his army, and wanted to re-enslave them? Moses gave a great quick speech right then:

Do not be afraid.

Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today.

For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever.

Victor Hamilton has some great thoughts on the moment, and on Moses’ decision to tell the people not to be afraid:

Moses’ comforting words to the people, “Do not be afraid,” are the same words even Israel’s great ancestors needed to hear when they had their backs against a wall: Abraham (Gen 15:1), Isaac (26:24), Jacob (46:3) and Hagar too (21:17).

All these fears that God addresses are normal and real. They are not illusory. God does not lie to us about danger; nor does he plant in us the idea that they are figments of our imagination.

What he reminds us is that in order for these frightening situations to get to us, they will first have to get past him.

We can rest, not because of the absence of danger, but because of a God in whom we can trust.